Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Prayer Day

Today our family had a prayer day, we ended up praying for 6hrs. all together.
I'm glad that our family is able to take a day to out to give it all to the Lord.
We need to go to bed soon, but I will post again tommorow about our most
recent lego creations... so come back
and check it out! Goodnight!



Laurie and company said...

E., it was incredible to be able to pray for that amount of time!
You are such a prayer warrior!

I love you!


Sherry at the Zoo said...

Wow! Your family is awesome! I know God will bless you for your fasting and prayer!

Mrs W.

Tory said...

Was praying for ya'll here in NC, too! Now, I am patiently waiting to hear about the latest lego creation...until then, be sweet and fight nice (ask your mom!). Your cuz, Tory